Turns out jobs take up a lot of time. Between working, commuting, and taking care of yourself, it's difficult to find time to read - or even to find the motivation to pick up a book.
I'm trying to figure out the best ways to keep reading now that I'm working, and I thought I would share the ways I'm currently (attempting) to keep up my reading.
Audiobooks This is definitely the best solution I've found so far in order to keep reading when time is tight. I drive to work, so I simply plug in my aux, download an audiobook and listen to it on my commute - it's so much better than the switching between three radio stations, none of which I liked that much, as I drove. Audiobooks also work well if your commute involves public transport, or even walking - suddenly your commute can be productive!
Read in your break! This is such an easy way of continuing to read! All you need to do is find a quiet, preferably solitary space and remember to take a book with you! Reading will serve as a distraction from work, allowing you to de-stress and escape the pressures of real life - even if only for half an hour! The only issue I've found so far is that people tend to ask what I'm reading, meaning I don't actually get to read, hence why I advise a solitary space. (This is also great advice for how to start a conversation at work though - when I have a book with me, people strike up conversation and it really helps to give the conversation a direction).
Watch less TV I'm not going to suggest that reading is superior to television - it would be hypocritical if I did. Nevertheless, watching television in the evening definitely cuts out a couple of hours for reading. TV is definitely the easier route - you can more or less switch of when watching, whilst reading takes a little more brain power. My advise is be honest with yourself: are you watching that show because you want to, or just because the TV is on and you've sat down and this is just easy? If the answer if that you love that show and have been waiting to see the next episode then go for it, I fully support you, but if you're not really a fan, try turning the TV off and picking up your book. If nothing else, it's better for your sleep cycle to not spend the hours before bed watching a screen.
Be willing to DNF books This advice might sound counter-intuitive but hear me out. If you're willing to DNF books, you'll actually manage to read so much more. Think about it: if you don't like a book, thee's no motivation to pick it up and get through it. If you are willing to DNF that book (DNF meaning Did Not Finish), you'll move on to the next one - one you actually want to read. Do this repeatedly and you'll get through so many things you want to read, without wasting time on things you don't want to.
Plan your TBR This isn't something I tend to do just because I get very distracted by new books and really fall into the trap of wanting to 'feel' like reading a book, but planning your next couple of reads definitely helps you to read more. There's no dawdling between books when you have a plan, as soon as you finish one book, you can pick up the next. This cuts out the hesitation and indecision that delays the reading process - making the whole process more efficient and helping you read more!
Work might get in the way of the dream to read non-stop, but that doesn't mean you have to stop altogether! I'm trying to implement all of the above into my reading routine at the moment, so let me know if you have any tips to share!